• 在OakSprings的Barrio,生活着一群拒绝致富的天文爱好者和身材魁梧的野外朋友。他们的领袖Lupita将他们作为一个社区、一个家庭维系在一起。但他们现在几乎没有做什么,他们深爱的宾果厅即将迎来比金钱本身更强大的力量。
  • Mischa Jackson, who has been living in the human world and unaware she has supernatural powers, as she is taken to a magic school against her will.
  • 当邀请来自全球的8位名人参加在线真人秀比赛时,他们很快意识到,他们为自己的生命而战,因为那些被选出的人遭受了可怕的后果,并向全世界直播
  • A young Mexican woman crosses the border in search of the American dream, only to instead find her worst nightmare lying within.…